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viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Microsoft hace pública la lista de juegos más populares para XBOX360 de 2011

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Microsoft ha revelado el top 20 de juegos más populares para su consola XBOX 360 durante el año 2011, basada en el número de usuarios en línea en XBOX Live (silver y gold).

Hay que tener en cuenta que esto da un dato diferente del que obtendríamos si tuviéramos en cuenta el tiempo jugado en cada juego. Es decir, que este dato es simplemente número de personas diferentes que han hecho inicio de sesión online en los diferentes juegos.

No es una sorpresa que el juego Call of Duty domina la lista, mientras que Battlefield 3 se relega a un quinto lugar.

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
4. Halo: Reach
5. Battlefield 3
6. Skyrim
7. Gears of War 3
8. FIFA 12
9. FIFA Soccer 11
10. Madden NFL 12
11. GTA IV
12. NBA 2K11
13. Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
14. Call of Duty 4
15. Battlefield 3 Beta
16. Halo 3
17. Gears of War 2
18. Forza Motorsport 4
19. Red Dead Redemption
20. Call of Duty: World at War

¿No es soprendente que Black Ops esté en primera posición por delante de Modern Warfare 3?

Fuente: The Escapist.

Contenido recomendado:

+ Artículo: Configuraciones para jugar a tope a COD MW3 y Battlefield 3.

+ Programas para testear tu PC.

+ ¿Cuánto consume realmente nuestro ordenador?

Artículos relacionados: Desmitificando el mito: Configuraciones para jugar a tope en COD: MW3 y Battlefield 3AMD VS Nvidia: Probadas con el juego Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3Intel publica un nuevo firmware para solucionar los problemas con sus SSD 320 SeriesAvexir Core Series, memoria DDR3 con LEDs azules integradosLogitech GX9 y G105: Periféricos gamer para los fans de Call Of Duty MW 3


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lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Google + usuarios avanzados rechazan lista de sugerencias de los usuarios

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[Más de Mashable: ingeniero de Google propone utilizar Google Maps [PICS]]

Podría esperar superestrellas de medios de comunicación social dando fives alto virtual y twitteando con deleite en la idea de una lista de sugerencias de los usuarios de Google +. ¿Es una manera de ser surgieron para los nuevos usuarios, lo que significa que más adeptos, y es algo bueno, correcto?

Mal--para algunos.

[Más de Mashable: Feliz Cumpleaños Google: 13 años haciendo el sentido de la Web]

Desde que Google publicó la lista de finales de la semana pasada, han hablado personalidades web contra ella. Tech blogger y comentarista Robert Scoble incluso pidieron a eliminarse, citando 13 razones la mudanza tenía sentido para él.

"Comprendo perfectamente por qué Google hizo esta lista," Scoble, dijo. "No sólo es una lista bien curada y así que no quiero que mi nombre asociado".

Scoble señaló que Paris Hilton hizo la lista, fortalecer aún más su razonamiento. Sin embargo, Google + VP de producto Bradley Horowitz dijo funcionalidad de personalización más profunda está en camino. Por ahora, permite a los usuarios en diferentes regiones y idiomas obtener recomendaciones diferentes--pero el objetivo es lograr que se convierta en tema más base.

Elisa Camahort Page, co-fundador de BlogHer, admite que las listas son útiles para el technorati. Para los usuarios normales, tiene menos sentido.

"Una lista de usuarios sugerido nunca ayudará esta herramienta ir convencional o mantener el pueblo regular alrededor," Camahort Page dijo.

Otra preocupación es que los usuarios menos seguido haciendo contribuciones extraordinarias a la comunidad de Google + va ser pasada por alto. Alida Brandenburg, un contador en Pandora, suplica a diferir.

"Terminé por allí y aún no tengo 6.000 seguidores", dijo. "Que puede parecer elevado en comparación con el usuario promedio, pero luego pones contra personas incluidas en la misma categoría que yo, como Dane Cook, Paris Hilton y William Shatner, y está claro que no era simplemente un juego de números".

La lista gira usuarios destacados, por lo que no es preocuparse por cualquiera que tenga un monopolio sobre él.

¿Así lo son Google + usuarios avanzados lo irritó hasta sobre? Su nueva red favorita convirtiéndose en un concurso de popularidad.

"Va a enajenar personas y conducir a una guerra inevitable seguidores que puede dañar la salud de la red social e inflar el ego de las personas,", dijo Craig Kanalley, un editor senior en The Huffington Post.

La lista de usuarios sugiere no fue creada para los usuarios más antiguos como los citan aquí. Por el contrario, parece ser para que los nuevos usuarios para ayudarles a obtener aclimatados al servicio. Es les ignorarlo o utilizar como guía para encontrar las cuentas a seguir.

¿Crees que la lista de usuarios sugerida es un buen movimiento por Google? ¿O podría crear la competencia seguidor tóxicos algún temor de los usuarios? Danos tu opinion en los comentarios a continuación.

Este relato originalmente publicado en Mashable aquí.

Via - yahoo Noticias

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Una lista de comprobación de paso 5 para el diseño de sitio Web móvil

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Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 8872.

As the number of people browsing the web from mobile devices increases, the demand for websites that respond to those devices surges. And still there are websites that aren’t equipped with the tools necessary to respond to those changes, whether it be lack of information or just not having the time or money to upgrade. The process of optimizing your website for a mobile device isn’t actually as hard as it seems, but knowing the steps in creating an effective mobile website can be the difference between success and failure. In this article I will walk you through five fundamental checkpoints to keep in mind in the creation of your mobile website. Feel free to leave comments if you feel I’ve missed important steps, or wish to touch upon any of them.

A 5-Step Checklist for Mobile Website Design

In short, markup will make the content readable by mobile browsers. In the creation of your mobile website, it’s important to choose one markup language and stick to it. Explore your customer’s needs in choosing the right one that best fits their demands. How do you go about choosing the right language for your user? Here are the basic languages below, along with their key benefits/limitations.

WML (wireless markup language) is one language used to make sites mobile-ready.Sites providing email service, sports scores, and a calendar service are the one’s that can benefit the most from having WMLWML is used by legacy systems or sites targeting users with low-end phones such as the Nokia.If your customer uses a basic, affordable phone such as the Nokia, WML is the best markup language for you.XHTML is the computer language designed specifically for mobile phones.Most phone-browsers  support this language, and has become the predominate language of the web.XHTML-MP is a modularization of XHTML, and is basically indistinguishable from it.If you’re designing for an advanced device such as the iPhone, XHTML is preferred over XHTML-MP.

In deciding between the two, access your site’s analytics to see which devices your visitors are using.

Aside from markup languages, mobile phones differ greatly in rendering capabilities across browsers. Just as with IE6, Safari, and Firefox have extreme differences, mobile phones are a whole different device you have to account for. And since there’s so many shapes and sizes on the market, it makes the task even more cumbersome.

Common screen sizes are 128 x 160, 320 x 480, 176 x 220, 240 x 320Although many people have their website adjust automatically for hand-held devices, others create a mobile website from scratch. Web services such as Mobify make this possible.This is usually the best method, as you can create a customized site geared specifically towards mobile users, while allowing traditional web visitors to access your full site.To avoid user frustration, include links in your website’s footer to the mobile version of your site, and vice-versa. This way visitors know both are available, easing the stress of the unknown.

A common tactic for those designing for the mobile web is to simply scale down their existing site to fit the parameters of a mobile device. This practice is counterproductive, as the mobile user is visiting your site to access specific information as quickly as possible. Also remember that many mobile devices use touch-screen technology so designing your UI around it is worthwhile. In determining what to include on your mobile website, consider the following:

Remove any copy that is not important for the mobile visitorReduce the amount of navigation items to only those your mobile visitor needs to access on the go.Increase the size of your text to a readable level, links are recommended to be 32 pixels to account for the human fingertip.Design UI elements large. Mobile users tab and drag so you must accommodate to their fingertips.Optimize blog posts using pagination to make skimming and reading more natural.Remove unnecessary animations or images as they will load down the loading time of the website.When applicable, Media Queries can be used to scale an image properly across all browsing devices.

Enhance your mobile websites usability by including only pertinent information that a mobile user needs while on the go. You have to keep in mind that browsing a website through a mobile device presents its own challenges. And while phones such as the iPhone and Android have made great strides in enhancing the web usability for its customers, not all phones make the task easy. Here are some tips to keep in mind regarding usability for mobile websites:

Older phones aren’t able to scroll left and right, leaving the user unable to browse a full website.If your website requires a lot of tabbing and clicking, navigating it on a mobile phone becomes a challenge.In creating your mobile website, focus on the primary features that mobile users are likely looking for. Such features could be contact information and store locators.As mentioned previously, links should be around 32 pixels to account for the human fingertip. Contact forms should also fit the viewport.Test your Website. Your layout may look great in one device, but slightly different in another. Online emulators allow you to see what your site will look like on different devices.

There are few different ways for adding a mobile version of your site to your domain. For instance you can create a subdomain from your primary domain that houses your mobile site. For instance, and In any case many viewers still reach the primary domain when typing in your url. In this case you can:

Route traffic to your site depending on the viewer’s browsing agent. If they visit, they can automatically be redirected to, for instance.

In this article I’ve discussed key checkpoints to keep in mind in the creation of your mobile website. As the web expands, so does the devices and technology used to access it. Gone are the days where we had to worry about how our site renders in Internet Explorer. These new advances in technology presents more opportunities to appreciate and gain the most from the web. It’s our job to make this as easy as possible for those who wish to get on board.

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